Uniform pieces at Mongio.
The clock ticks, the evening gets dim earlier and now it’s beginning to even feel different. It’s time to put away those shorts, tank tops and dress in a different way. For a young child under 3 years of age what does that feel and look like?
Infants and toddlers are mobile, curious and exploratory by spirit. It is essential to support this irrespective of the weather. The free-energetic child needs, “one more” layer to prepare for the weather. “For example, if you’re wearing a shirt, light sweater, and jeans, put your little one in a long-sleeved bodysuit, a shirt, a hoodie or sweater, and pants. If you’re opting for a heavy winter coat as well, tuck your baby into a snowsuit or bunting” (10 Tips for Dressing Baby for Winter. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.mom365.com/baby/baby-care/10-tips-for-dressing-baby-for-winter)
“One more” Inside the classroom: Dressing the child in a warm, long sleeve onesie with adding a warm fleece keeps the child comfortable while allowing room for active movement. A pair of socks keep the toes toasty. Alternatively, a body suit with full sleeve t-shirt also works well.
“One more” outdoors: A heavy jacket / full body snow suit over the indoor layers keep the child involved in outdoor play. A cozy hat with warm mittens completes the dress up.
What if my child is cold? An active child tends to stay warm. As children move about, they generate body heat. If under dressed yes, the child may feel the weather, however children
that are overdressed tend to be irritable and will not turn their attention to play. If you are still unsure of what appropriate clothing looks like for your child during his/ hers day at daycare, feel free to discuss it with the teachers, we are always happy to help!
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