As Early Childhood Educators, building partnerships with families means a lot to us. Children feel more comfortable and secure with us when they see their caregivers have good and meaningful conversations with teachers. For infants, even though they might not understand all the words, they observe our facial expressions to see how’s their caregivers and educators’ react to one another, interpreting the relationship. In our center, we are devoted to partnering with parents by sending HiMama messages, making phone calls and sharing their child’s daily stories and news face to face.
I like to share the stories with families about their child’s day. I enjoy and appreciate hearing different interesting and “silly” stories about the children from their caregivers. When parents feel comfortable sharing these moments it makes me feel happy as I feel that they see me not just as an educator who work in the daycare but also as trustworthy person. Some of my happiest moments were from when a parent told me their child talks about us (the educators) at home and would share what they learned in the class. Communication is an art, and as an educator second language is English communicating with parents can at times be a challenge for me. So, please feel free to talk with us if you have any questions or simply want to share your thoughts!
For a sneak peek into our curriculum, please visit our Facebook page.