Painting with leaves.
Autumn has come. It is a wonderful season for children to discover and recognize the significant changes that can come from one season to the next. Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year; our garden looks very different and it’s interesting to see all the changes that have happened. This is the perfect time to connect children with nature, to make them aware of the small changes around them.

A child paints on a leaf.
We can stimulate their senses by, for example, picking up the fallen leaves, noticing the different colours, touching the wet soil, stepping (and stomping) on the puddles and so on. Just by taking a walk in nature, children get the chance to see the beauty of it and it helps develop their understanding of colours and notice objects of varying sizes. By making time and opportunity to bond with nature, we are also helping children recognize new emotions, such as awe or surprise, enhance their perception and show sympathy and kindness to the small critters we might encounter.
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